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Wei Yanru

Source: Date:2024-08-30 Autor: Click:

Wei Yanru, female, professor at the Law School of Guangxi University, holds a Doctor of Law degree.

Professional Affiliations:

Director of the ASEAN Law Research Center at Guangxi University

Deputy Director of the Guangxi Local Legislation Research Evaluation and Consulting Services (Guangxi University) Base of the Standing Committee of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region People's Congress

Director of the International Law Research Association of the China Law Society

Visiting Researcher at the China ASEAN Legal Research Center of the China Law Society

Director of the China Society of International Economic Law

Director of the Environmental and Resource Law Research Association of the China Law Society

Legislative Expert Advisor to the 14th Standing Committee of the Guangxi People's Congress

Part - time Professor at the Guangxi Branch of the National Academy of Judges

the first batch of experts in Guangxi's education policy and rule of law research database

member of the Academic Committee of Guangxi Law Society

Vice President of the International Law Research Association of Guangxi Law Society

Executive Director of the ASEAN Law Research Association of Guangxi Law Society

Legal Advisor of Wuzhou Municipal People's Government

Arbitrator of Guigang Arbitration Commission

Arbitrator of Yulin Arbitration Commission


the title of “Outstanding Young and Middle aged Legal Scholar in Guangxi" (2018)

the title of "exemplary individual of Guangxi Legal Construction" (2021)

Research Fields:

Cross disciplinary research on international economic law, especially its relationship with international climate change law


Ethnic local legislation

Research Situations

1. Scientific research achievements:

(1) Hosted and completed 2 projects funded by the National Social Science Fund, mainly involving international investment law and other fields.

(2) Hosted and completed multiple provincial and ministerial level projects, covering important fields such as international investment law and ASEAN law, providing strong support for related academic research.

(3) Hosted and completed four legislative projects in ethnic regions, emphasizing the combination of theory and practice, providing useful references for local legislative work.

(4) Won the provincial excellent scientific research achievement award three times, and the scientific research achievements have been widely recognized.

(5) Actively participate in academic research and exchanges, publish about 50 papers in academic journals such as "Law and Business Research", and contribute unique insights to the academic community.

(6) Published 1 academic monograph and coauthored 2 books, systematically reviewed and elaborated on the theoretical system and practical experience in related fields, and made positive contributions to academic development by systematically reviewing and elaborating on the theoretical system and practical experience in related fields.

2. Research Philosophy:

Based on local and international perspectives, deeply cultivate the field of rule of law, committed to promoting the internationalization, practicality, and localization of legal research, and providing solid legal support and intellectual guarantee for national and local economic and social development.

Teaching situations

1. Teaching achievements:

(1) Teach multiple courses covering important areas such as International Economic Law, RCEP Free Trade Zone Law, Legal English, International Public Law, Research on Frontiers in Law, and Legal Research Methods and Methodology.

(2) Incorporate rich legislative experience and practical knowledge into teaching, so that students can deeply understand legal knowledge and enhance their practical application abilities.

(3) Adopting a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective, cultivate students' comprehensive legal literacy and international perspective.

(4) Adhere to student-centered approach, attach importance to practical teaching and case analysis, and focus on cultivating students' all-round social governance ability and legal practical operation ability.

2. Teaching philosophy:

Integrate practical wisdom, inspire legal thinking, and cultivate legal elites with innovative spirit and practical ability.

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