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Wang Taixian

Source: Date:2024-08-30 Autor: Click:

Wang Taixian, Doctor of Law, Junwu Scholar, Doctoral Supervisor, and Professor at the Law School of Guangxi University. He was promoted to associate professor in 1996, professor in 2001, and doctoral supervisor in law in 2003. He was formerly a professor and doctoral supervisor at the law school of Xiangtan university and Sichuan university, professor, doctoral supervisor and dean of the school of administrative law of southwest university of political science and law, academic leader of the discipline of constitutional law and administrative law in Chongqing, and executive director of the Chinese constitutional studies association. He mainly engaged in research on jurisprudence, constitutional law, and legal history, leading 2 national social science fund projects and 5 provincial and ministerial level projects; published 4 academic monographs and edited 2 textbooks. His more than 80 academic papers have been published in journals such as Chinese Social Sciences, Chinese Law, and Legal Research, of which nearly 20 have been reprinted or excerpted by newspapers such as Xinhua Digest, Guangming Daily, Renmin University Copy Materials, and Abstract of Higher Education Humanities Journal. The teaching and research achievements have won the first prize of Excellent Teaching Achievements of Chongqing Municipal Government, the second prize of Excellent Research Achievements of the Ministry of Justice, and the third prize of the 7th Philosophy and Social Sciences Achievement of Hunan Province. In 2001, he was awarded the title of Excellent Teacher in Chongqing.

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