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Xu Guangyao

Source: Date:2024-09-04 Autor: Click:

Introduction to Xu Guangyao


Xu Guangyao, male, born in June 1967, is from Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province.  He graduated from the Law School of Wuhan University with a bachelor's degree in 1989, obtained a Doctor of Laws degree from the Law School of Wuhan University in 1999, and formerly served as an editor at Wuhan University Press, a professor at the School of Law of Central South University, a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Law of Hunan University, a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Law of Nankai University, and currently a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Law of Guangxi University, as well as the dean of the School of Law, Vice President of the European Law Research Association of the China European Society and Executive Director of the China International Private Law Research Association.  He have been engaged in anti-monopoly legal research since 1997 and am one of the earliest researchers in this field in China. In 2010, he won the first prize for excellent achievements in philosophy and social sciences in Hunan Province. He was also selected as a New Century Excellent Talent by the Ministry of Education in 2012. He have conducted one-year academic visits at Abertay Dundee University and Bristol University in the UK.

1 Works

(1) General Theory of European Community Competition Law, Wuhan University Press, 2006 edition, sole author

(2) Competition Legislation of the European Community, Wuhan University Press, 2006 edition, Chief Editor

(3) Research on Classic Cases of European Community Competition Law ", Wuhan University Press, 2008 edition, sole author

The above three books are collectively referred to as the European Community Competition Law Research Series, which won the first prize for outstanding achievements in philosophy and social sciences at the 10th Hunan Provincial Congress in 2010.

(4) Research on Competition Law in the European Community, published by Law Press in 2002, sole author

(5) International Private Law, Hunan People's Publishing House, 2003 edition, Chief Editor

(6) English Learning in Civil and Commercial Law, published by China Founder Publishing House in 2003, edited by

(7) Federal Antitrust Law - Competition Law and Its Practice, translated by Law Press, 2009 edition (original by American scholar Professor Herbert Howenkamp)

(8) International Private Law, University of International Business and Economics Press, 2013 edition, co authored

(9) Adjustment of Anti-Monopoly Law on the Abuse of Dominant Position, published by People's Publishing House in 2018, sole author

(10) Adjustment of Anti-Monopoly Law on Monopoly Agreements, published by People's Publishing House in 2018, sole author

(11) Adjustment of Anti-Monopoly Law on Concentration of Business Operators, published by People's Publishing House in 2023, sole author


(1) On the Non Arbitration Localization Trend in International Commercial Arbitration, Law Review, 1994, Issue 2

(2) On the Pros and Cons of the Principle of Closest Connection, Law Review, Issue 1, 1999

(3) The Construction of the Scientific Theoretical System of Economic Law, Jianghan Forum, Issue 9, 1999

(4) Research on European Community Competition Law, Economic Law Essays, 1999, Issue 2

(5) New Developments in the Philosophy of European Community Competition Law, Economic Law Essays, Vol. 5, 2001

(6) Conflict of Public Law from the Perspective of Competition Law, Chinese Yearbook of International Private Law and Comparative Law, Volume 2002, Law Press, 2002 edition

(7) Administrative monopoly is not a special issue under anti-monopoly law, "Hunan Social Sciences, 2003, Issue 9

(8) Batch Exemption Regulations for Automobile Sales Agreements of the European Commission, Economic Law Essays, 2003, Issue 8, China Fangzheng Publishing House, 2003 edition

(9) Legal Liability and Consequences of Economic Unauthorized Agency Behavior, Journal of Central South University, Issue 2, 2003

(10) Coordination of Competition Laws between the European Community and Its Member States, Jianghan Forum, Issue 6, 2003

(11) On Legitimate Monopoly, Journal of Hunan University of Technology, Issue 9, 2003

(12) On International Practices, Journal of Xuzhou University of Education, Issue 5, 2003

(13) On the Social Orientation of Economic Law, Journal of Ningxia University, 2004, Issue 9

(14) The Illegality Standards for Restricting Competition Agreements, Volume 10 of "Economic Law Essays", China Founder Publishing House, 2004

(15) Antitrust Law Regulation of Administrative Monopoly, China Law Journal, Issue 6, 2004

(16) Legitimate Monopoly, Exclusions and Exemptions from Application, Competition Law Review, Issue 1, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2004

(17) Regulation 1/2003 of the Council of the European Communities, Volume 9 of the Essays on International and Comparative Law, published by Fangzheng Publishing House in China in 2004

(18) Extraterritorial Application of Antitrust Law, Time Law, 2004, Year 3

(19) Unfair Contract Conditions Act of 1997 in the UK, Volume 9 of "International and Comparative Law Essays", published by Fangzheng Publishing House in China in 2004

(20) Comparative Study on the Principle of Rationality and Its Legislative Models, Law Review, Issue 2, 2005

(21) Competition Law Analysis of Enterprise Merger, Time Law Journal, Issue 1, 2006

(22) On "Related Enterprises" in Competition Law, Journal of Hunan University, Issue 6, 2006

(23) Implementation Mechanism of the European Community Competition Law and Its Implications for China, Journal of Xiangtan University, Issue 1, 2006

(24) Modernization of the Implementation Mechanism of European Community Competition Law, "Exploration of Competition Legislation in China", Social Science Literature Press, 2006 edition

(25) Analysis of Various Provisions on Monopoly Agreements in the Draft Anti-Monopoly Law, Hot Topics in Anti Monopoly Legislation, China Social Science Literature Press, 2007 edition

(26) On the Irrationality of Reversal, Time Law Journal, Issue 5, 2007

(27) Competition Law Adjustment of Vertical Agreements, Journal of Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Issue 5, 2007

(28) Comparative Study on Market Definition Issues in Competition Law, Taiwan's "Yuedan Financial Law Journal", November 2007

(29) Competition Law Adjustment of Copyright Refusal of License, Global Legal Review, Issue 5, 2007

(30) Industry associations under US antitrust laws, Hebei Law Journal, Issue 5, 2008

(31) Analysis of the provisions of monopoly agreements in the Anti-Monopoly Law, Law Journal, Issue 1, 2008

(32) Suggestions for the revision of the "Draft Regulations on Anti Price Monopoly" are included in the "International Law and Comparative Law Series", Volume 18, China Procuratorate Press, 2009 edition.

Opinions on "Provisions on Prohibiting the Abuse of Market Dominance (Draft for Comments)", "Major Issues in the Implementation of the Anti-Monopoly Law", Social Science Literature Press, 2010 edition

(34) Revision Opinions on the Relevant Provisions on Prohibiting Monopolistic Agreements (Draft for Comments), Major Issues in the Implementation of the Anti-Monopoly Law, Social Science Literature Press, 2010 edition

(35) Monopoly in the sense of the Sherman Act in the United States, Time Law, 2010, Issue 5

(36) Special Issues Caused by Intellectual Property in Antitrust Law, Electronic Intellectual Property, Issue 3, 2011

(37) Analysis of Anti-Monopoly Law on Resale Price Maintenance, "Political and Legal Discussion Series, 2011, Issue 4

(38) Analysis of Anti-Monopoly Law on Price Discrimination Behavior, Law Journal, Issue 11, 2011

(39) Antitrust Law Analysis of Tying Behavior, Electronic Intellectual Property, Issue 11, 2011

(40) Exploration of the Beauty of Legal Rationality - Evaluation and Suggestions on the Book "Course of Quality Inspection Law", Collection of International Law and Comparative Law, Volume 21, China Procuratorate Press, 2012 edition

(41) The Impact of Competition Economics on the Antitrust Legal System, "Northeast Asia Law Research" (South Korea), 2012 edition

(42) A Brief Discussion on the Legal Avoidance System in International Private Law, Law Review, Issue 6, 2012

(43) Jurisdiction division and coordination of enforcement agencies under the Anti-Monopoly Law, Price Theory and Practice, Issue 2, 2013

(44) On the Abuse of Dominance in the Exercise of Intellectual Property Rights, Science and Law, Issue 4, 2013

(45) Recognition of "Agreement" in Anti-Monopoly Law, Price Theory and Practice, Issue 9, 2013

(46) Antitrust Law on Exclusive Sales Agreements, China Price Index, Issue 4, 2014

(47) Analysis of Starbucks' "Price Discrimination" Behavior under Antitrust Law, Price Theory and Practice, Issue 3, 2014

(48) Analysis of Administrative Monopoly in the Anti-Monopoly Law, Administrative Management Reform, Issue 11, 2014

(49) On the Abuse of Dominant Position in Standard Essential Patent Licensing, Price Theory and Practice, Issue 10, 2014

(50) Economic Analysis of Antitrust Law, Price Theory and Practice, Issue 2, 2015

(51) The leniency system for cartels under the Anti-Monopoly Law, "Political and Legal Discussion Series, 2015, Issue 3

(52) "Economic Evidence" and Factors Investigating Collaborative Behavior, Competition Policy Research, Issue 1, 2015

(53) Basic Framework of Antitrust Analysis and Its Basic Needs for Related Economic Research, Price Theory and Practice, Issue 11, 2015

(54) Analysis of Anti-Monopoly Law on Joint Boycott of Transactions, Price Theory and Practice, Issue 3, 2016

(55) Legal Analysis of "Relative Advantage Position" and "Market Dominance Position" - Different Interpretation of Article 6 of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law (Draft for Comments), Price Theory and Practice, Issue 5, 2016

(56) Research on Defining the Purpose and Standards of Relevant Markets, Price Theory and Practice, Issue 11, 2016

(57) Recognition of Monopoly Agreements, Competition Policy Research, November 2016

(58) Antitrust Law Theory and Case Study on Vertical Price Restrictions, Political and Legal Discussion Series, 2017, Issue 1

(59) Anti-Monopoly Law Analysis Method for Restricting Trading Behavior, Volume 18 of Economic Law Research, Peking University Press, September 2017 edition

(60) A review of the latest developments in the regulation theory of abuse of market dominance in China, "China and the World: Research on Competition Development Report", Law Press, 2016 edition

(61) Antitrust Law Analysis Method for Mixed Concentration Behavior between Complementary Products, Competition Policy Research, Issue 6, 2017

(62) Integration of Technical Interpretation and Principle Basis in Economic Law Research, Economic Law Essays, 2018, Issue 1

(63) Antitrust Law Adjustment on Abuse of Dominant Position in the Bilateral Market of the Internet Industry, Law Review, 2018, Issue 1

On the 10th anniversary of the implementation of the Anti-Monopoly Law, necessary revisions should be made. First Financial Daily, July 25, 2018

(64) Analysis of Anti-Monopoly Law on Predatory Pricing Behavior, Political and Legal Discussion Series, 2018, Issue 2

(65) Analysis Method of Antitrust Law on Intellectual Property Refusal to License: Taking the EU Microsoft Case as an Example, Price Theory and Practice, 2018, Issue 3

(66) The role of structural analysis methods in antitrust law, Nankai International Law, Economic Law, and Civil and Commercial Law Collection, Nankai University Press, 2019 edition

(67) Research Progress on Frontier Issues of Antitrust Law, Price Theory and Practice, Issue 1, 2020

(68) Antitrust law analysis method for exclusive transactions in the Internet industry, China Applied Law, 2020, Issue 1

Research on Antitrust Analysis Methods for Resale Price Maintenance: A Review of the "Hankook Tire Case", Price Theory and Practice, Issue 9, 2021

(70) Antitrust Analysis Method for the Synergistic Effect of Concentration of Operators: A Discussion on the Differences between Synergistic Effect and Common Dominance Status, Journal of Guangxi University, Issue 6, 2022

(71) Anti-monopoly analysis method for refusing trading behavior, "People's Congress Legal Review, Volume 2, 2022

(72) Criteria for determining the illegality of monopolistic behavior and basic methods for anti-monopoly analysis, Guangdong Social Sciences, Issue 6, 2022

(73) Identification of Monopolistic Behavior in Resale Price Maintenance Cases - A Review of Article 18 of the New Anti-Monopoly Law, Law Review, Issue 3, 2023

(74) Antitrust Law Adjustment of Big Data Killing Behavior, Politics and Law, Issue 4, 2024

(75) Anti-Monopoly Law Analysis of Self Preferential Behavior in the Platform Economy Field, Competition Policy Research, 2024 Issue 2

3 Topics

(1) China EU Higher Education Cooperation Project: Research on European Community Competition Law, 2001

(2) Ministry of Education Research Fund for Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars: Comparative Study on the Extraterritorial Application of Anti-monopoly Laws, 2004

(3) Hunan Federation of Social Sciences: Construction of the Theoretical System of Competition Law, 2005

(4) Hunan Provincial Social Science Fund: Antitrust Law Regulation of Restrictive Competition Agreements, 2006

(5) Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project of the Ministry of Education: Legal Adjustment of Monopoly Agreements, 2007

(6) National Rule of Law and Legal Theory Research Project of the Ministry of Justice: Identification and Relief of Abuse of Dominance in the Software Industry, 2009

(7) National Social Science Fund: Antitrust Law Adjustment on Enterprise Concentration Behavior, 2012

(8) 2012 Ministry of Education's New Century Excellent Talents Support Program

(9) Guangxi Social Science Fund: Construction of the Theoretical System of China's Anti-Monopoly Law, 2021

(10) Major Project of National Social Science Fund: Research on Competition Policy Positioning and Antitrust Issues in the Digital Economy Era, 2023