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Implementation Rules for the Assessment and Acceptance of the Law School of Guangxi University in 2024

Source: Date:2024-04-28 Autor: Click:

According to the requirements of the Implementation Measures for Undergraduate Students of Guangxi University (No. 105, 2022) and the Notice on the Transfer of Ordinary Undergraduate Students in 2024, the implementation rules of the assessment and acceptance are formulated according to the actual situation of our college.

1. Working principle

The transfer of majors shall be carried out in accordance with the principles of "fairness, justice and openness" and selective admission.

2. Institutional Framework

The college has set up a professional transfer assessment team.

Group leader: Xiong Chao

Deputy group leader: Wei Xing Xiaojian

Members: Cao, Shu, Zhang Ye, Shen Mengxin, Liao Yuan

3. Students who can transfer major

(1) Regular undergraduate students of Grade 2022 and 2023 who meet the Implementation Measures for Undergraduate Students of Guangxi University. Students can only apply for one opportunity to change their major according to the regulations during the school period, and those who have already changed their major cannot apply.

(2) Students in the 2022 creative training class must specify their graduation major in the fourth semester of their school system, and should apply for transfer to the graduation major in this major transfer.

4. The number of law majors can be transferred out and the qualification examination and recognition

Number of people who can be transferred out

Name of MajorClass 2022Class 2023

EnrollmentNumber of students who can be transferred outEnrollmentNumber of students who can be transferred out


Qualification examination and determination of the transfer out

(1) The teaching office and the student work group of the college shall review the student application materials and submit them to the head of the professional transfer assessment team of the college for review;

(2) Students shall submit a written application to the college where the applicant of the application to the teaching Office and the educational affairs department of the school.

5. The number of law majors who can be transferred and the assessment method

(1) The number of transferable persons

On the basis of full consideration of school conditions, employment needs, discipline development and other factors, the college meets the requirements of not exceeding 10% of the number of students in the major, to set as follows:

Name of MajorClass 2022Class 2023

EnrollmentNumber of students who can be transferred in EnrollmentNumber of students who can be transferred in


(2) Assessment methods for transferring to the major

The assessment team of the college will evaluate the applicants, and report the students who pass the examination to the school for approval.

1. Assessment content

(1) Whether it meets the basic conditions stipulated in the Implementation Measures for Undergraduate Students of Guangxi University;

(2) Whether you have a strong interest in learning law professional knowledge;

(3) Whether he has the basic writing expression ability required for law major;

(4) Whether he has the basic language expression ability required for law major;

(5) Whether to take, audit or self-study relevant basic courses of law undergraduates during the original major;

(6) Whether you have made outstanding performance or achievements during the original major;

(7) Whether they have other outstanding personal qualities or abilities.

2. Assessment link

(1) Written review

The assessment team comprehensively reviews the relevant forms and materials submitted by the applicant and the relevant materials to prove their own ability and make evaluation;

(2) Basic text expression ability test

The applicant shall complete the composition of unified proposition by the assessment group, and the composition writing shall be conducted in a closed-book way, and the assessment group shall evaluate the written expression level of the applicant;

(3) Interview and assessment

All applicants should be interviewed by the assessment team individually and evaluate their performance.

3. Performance evaluation

The general assessment results of the assessment adopt the 100-point system, and the written examination results, the basic writing expression ability test results and the interview assessment results are comprehensively evaluated according to a certain proportion.

Overall evaluation score = written review score * 25% + basic writing expression ability test result * 25% + interview assessment result * 50%.

4. Publicity and recommendation

(1) The college will publicize the total evaluation results and ranking of all applicants for no less than 3 days on the college bulletin board and the college website within 24 hours after the interview;

(2) If the applicant's overall score is less than 60 points, the college will not accept the applicant's application for major transfer;

(3) According to the quota requirements of transferred students approved by the university and relevant departments, if the number of applicants meeting the assessment requirements is more than the quota issued by the university, the college will report according to the quota limit and recommend according to the ranking;

(4) The professional assessment team of the college will report the list of students who have passed the examination to the school.

7. Other matters needing attention

(1) The teaching office of the college is responsible for accepting the consultation of the applicants for major transfer and receiving the relevant materials of the applicants. The applicant should submit detailed supporting materials to prove his learning ability and personal accomplishment in combination with the assessment content, and be responsible for the authenticity of the submitted materials. Teaching Office Tel.: 3236779, Office address: Room 202, Law School.

(2) If there is any fraud in the materials submitted by the applicant, the assessment results of the applicant will be cancelled and reported to the school for handling according to the regulations.

(3) The official website and bulletin board of our college will disclose the progress of the assessment of major transfer in our college, and accept the supervision of all teachers and students and the society. We will publish in annual professional appraisal work before the start of our accept objection and report and head, if there is any objection in the process of appraisal work or report, the parties can be written way department real name to our feedback, our hospital will be in accordance with the real-name person confidential, and to verify the objection and report.

The Law School of Guangxi University

April 28,2024