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Announcement of the second examination schedule of 2024 Graduate Enrollment of Guangxi University Law School

Source: Date:2024-04-07 Autor: Click:

Announcement of the second examination schedule of 2024 Graduate Enrollment of Guangxi University Law School



Schedule content


On April 8


The college sends a second interview notice

The college sends the notice of the second interview through the graduate enrollment information network, the candidates receives the notice and confirm whether to participate in the second interview.

On April 9


Adjust the candidates to submit the qualification materials for the second test

Candidates shall submit the reexamination qualification materials according to the requirements of the reexamination rules to the designated email address: 1259767289 @qq. com

On April 9


Adjust the examinee to pay the retest fee

Candidates can get the qualification after paying the retest fee according to the requirements of Guangxi University.

April 10th



April 11th



Secondary test for adjustment candidates (not part-time)

Candidates use Tencent conference and other online tools to participate in the online retest

035101 Law (illegal science)

035102 Law (Law)

1. Adjustment interview format:

(1) The transfer interview for full-time candidates will be conducted in the form of on-site interviews;

(2) The transfer interview for part-time candidates will be conducted online, and candidates are required to prepare dual camera positions. The preferred way to participate in the interview is through the Tencent Meeting app;

(3) Non full time candidates with equivalent academic qualifications must come to our institution to participate in the on-site written test subject examination.

2. Pre exam debugging preparation for online retest:

(1) Confirm in advance that the equipment is available and the network is unobstructed, ensuring that there are no other personnel interfering. Except for the candidate themselves, no other personnel are allowed to appear in front of the camera; If using laptops or mobile devices, ensure that the phone has sufficient battery and is powered on.

(2) During the interview, face the main camera with a moderate distance; The passenger seat should face the candidate, the main seat screen, and the front of the candidate from the side and back, maintaining a straight sitting posture. The candidate's hands should appear in the main seat screen.

(3) Candidates should reserve emergency mobile phone numbers and maintain smooth communication in case of network interruption to promptly contact and communicate emergency plans.

3. Our institution will inform candidates in advance of the specific time and appearance order for the adjustment interview through the backend system of the Research and Recruitment Network. Please pay attention to and remember the relevant information; If there are no special circumstances, candidates who fail to participate in the adjustment interview on time will be deemed to have waived their eligibility for the interview.

4. Contact information:

Graduate Office of Law School 0771-3236212

E-mail 1259767289 @qq. com

Contact: Teacher Wei

Law School of Guangxi University

April 7, 2024